hi, i’m hannah


I’m passionate about using data for good.

Day to day, you can find me building data pipelines, designing insightful visualizations, or holding workshops. With a strong background in geospatial technology, I’m happiest any time I get to look at data with lats and longs.


I’m working at the OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data as a Data Scientist. In this role, I’m helping the humanitarian system use data effectively and ethically to predict and respond to humanitarian crises.


Most recently, I worked at Plotly to help clients build data-driven web apps. Project highlights included building an image segmentation interface to help scientists understand the molecular structure of matter, and developing new visualization capabilities in Plotly’s JavaScript graphing library to support the work of electric vehicle engineers.

My past work experience sits in the humanitarian and non-profit sectors, where I worked to improve how data could be used to anticipate humanitarian emergencies and improve government transparency. I was a Data Scientist at MapAction (and seconded to the UN’s Centre for Humanitarian Data), and an Open Data Analyst at OpenNorth.

I have a MSc in Spatial Data Science and Visualization from UCL’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis and a BA in Urban Geography from McGill University.

If it involves maps or boats, I’m there.

Download my CV, or check out my Linkedin, Twitter, or Github.